Here are 5 Tried and Tested Tips to Handle Negative Customer Reviews Like A Pro:
1. A stitch in time saves nine.
If your customer is angry enough to leave a negative review on product review sites, they usually do so pretty soon as soon as they reach home after their purchase or get off the phone with your customer service. And they're looking forward to a prompt reply. This is the right thing to expect. By responding promptly, you can limit the damage done.2. Take it in good stride.
Remember this; a bad review doesn't necessarily mean bad business. Nobody likes negative customer reviews, and it's easy to get wrapped up decoding the hidden meaning behind those hurtful words – whether it's on a review directory or a scathing email. But don't worry. It doesn't mean that you are doing something wrong in your business. In all probability, the review is the result of mismatched expectations, and the best way to deal with it is to respond quickly in a thoughtful manner. Reply to the review with a sincere apology, asking the customer to share his woes in detail. You have won half the uphill battle by taking these two measures.3. Maintain professional boundaries.
It's natural to feel taken aback by a negative review. New entrepreneurs might also get demotivated, or all worked up. However, appreciate the effort that your customer put in to communicate possible room for improvement. Be thoughtful while responding, but don't get personal and don't attack – even if you remember the person leaving the review.4. One on one is better than digital conversation.
When facing negative customer reviews, it is better to handle them offline. Don't let the dissatisfied customer reach out to you. Find out their contact information, request the best time and way to reach out, and then apologise for their bad experience.5. Go the extra mile.
You don't always have to do this, but expressing your apology with sincere gratitude certainly cools down an angry customer. An extra step could be a gift card, flowers, or a gift hamper. Not just this, but you can also win over an upset customer with something as simple as a video message or a picture.
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