What is a Mobile Hairdresser?
A local mobile hairdresser generally visits clients at their preferred places, and they do not operate from salons or beauty shops. They can be conveniently booked for special occasions like parties, weddings or regular home appointments.When Should I Consider a Local Mobile Hairdresser?
Some people are hesitant to go to salons. They are wary of possible infections from reusing the same products. Requesting an at-home hairdresser will be the right option in such a case. Then, there are special situations too. On a wedding day, it might not be possible for the bride to travel back and forth from a salon. A local mobile hairdresser is also in demand at prisons, care homes, hospitals, armed forces, etc.What Should I Expect From a Mobile Hairdresser?
First and foremost, mobile hairdressers should be proficient in creating hairstyles that can be designed in a salon. They should also be able to use all hair and skin related equipment effectively and safely. Secondly, while tending to an appointment, a local mobile hairdresser should carry all the necessary tools. Some of these include regular and spare scissors, combs, flat and curling irons, blow dryers, colourants, gels, and even a washbasin. Moreover, all these items and accessories should be serviceable, clean, and sanitised at all times. Lastly, mobile hairdressers should have a professional appearance. They must present themselves to be stylish and modern. This is crucial because any new customer will assess their competence within a few minutes of meeting them.
Local Mobile Hairdressers Near Me – Advantages
Every coin has two sides. While many customers enjoy services of hair salon, others feel-at-home services more comfortable. Here are just a few pros and cons of requesting the services of a local mobile hairdresser.1. Convenient, doorstep services
People with a busy work schedule or inability to travel find a mobile hairstylist very convenient. These professionals usually work around your schedule. If you are a regular customer, they might even work longer on weekends.2. Cheaper than salon
At salons, you pay for lighting, receptionists, and clean-up too. Your hairstyling package includes this cost. A local mobile hairdresser's services, on the contrary, cost just a fraction of salon expenses. This means that you get your regular services without paying an arm and a leg for them, from the comfort of your home.3. Unwell? No problem.
An at-home hairstylist is a god sent for the incapacitated patient, elders who live alone, or people with disabilities. Getting to the salon is also a struggle for people with health conditions like psoriasis. In all such cases, services of a local mobile hairdresser are the ideal solution.4. Comfortable and hassle-free
For some people, going to a hair salon is an ordeal. They might be struggling with hair issues and can end up feeling low when they compare their hair with others'. In such a scenario, having your hair cared for in a safe place is priceless.5. Undivided attention
Perhaps the worst part of going to a hair salon has to wait for your turn. Sometimes, even prior appointments don't help. Local salons are always bustling with customers. There is bound to be a distraction at some point. Freelance hairstylists offer one-to-one sessions without any obstructions. Also, you can discuss your hair related issues more openly without anybody eavesdropping.6. Hassle-free personal service
Everybody hates small talks – especially with strangers. Unfortunately, small talk is unavoidable at salons. Requesting a local mobile hairdresser means less time-wasting and a quick appointment. The best part? If you strike a chord with each other, you can call them over and over. A regular hairdresser means they will get a good sense of your hair, preferences, and styles that look good on you.
Hairdressers Near Me – Drawbacks
1. The total absence of social elements
For many, a trip to the local hair-salon is the highlight of the week. This is truer for those who live alone or crave company often. A mobile hairdresser might be convenient but doesn't offer the same lively, friendly atmosphere as a salon.2. Glamour-free
If you live for the razzmatazz of a salon, a mobile home hairdresser is not for you. Leaning over the kitchen to get hair washed without a massage can't beat a full-blown salon session. If you love getting pampered, avoid choosing mobile services.3. Impermanent experience
Sometimes your favourite hairdresser is not available at the salon. But you at least get attended by a competent alternative. The same security lacks in case of at-home services. It's not possible to rely solely on a local mobile hairdresser, should they decide to relocate or switch jobs.What to Expect from Mobile Hairdressers with the Coronavirus Guidelines?
The coronavirus pandemic has altered several out-of-home experiences permanently. Salons and mobile hairstylists are now following a strict code of conduct. This is to ensure that both the client and the professional are infection-free. It is essential to check with your stylist beforehand about the safety precautions required. They can guide you with regards to:- Extra-time allowance – For sanitising and cleaning equipment in between appointments.
- PPE use – For both clients and hairdressers, including gloves and masks.
- Temperature checks – To ensure that you don't have a fever, a common COVID-19 symptom.
- Social distancing – Practicing a distance of one metre between the both of you.
- Electronic payments – Rather than handling cash, some professionals might encourage credit and debit card payments.
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